About me

My passions lie in helping others be understood and creating solutions for their needs.

By aligning with companies’ values and missions, I am able to make critical changes that make a huge impact

After 8 years in outside sales, I decided to focus on my favorite parts of the job: understanding what customers need and creating solutions. I wanted to be part of making products better, not changing the minds of users to fit a product.

My goal as a UX Writer is to design solutions and experiences to help users navigate the digital world a bit easier by asking questions, testing, and constantly making changes to develop the best products for clients, instead of trying to fit them into a box to sell a product. 

I strive to break down tasks to become simpler, easier to understand, and more manageable for users while working in a team that is communicative, collaborative, and user focused.

want to learn more about me?

Outside of design, I love to read, travel, and hang out with animals of all kinds. 

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